Mind Traps

Escaping the Mind Traps: A Jedi Cleric’s Perspective

December 05, 20243 min read
Mind Traps

The world today often feels like a swirling vortex of chaos. Political turmoil, relentless societal pressures, then the holiday season – it’s enough to make even the most centered Jedi Master question their path. As a gay man, Jedi cleric, and Tantric practitioner, I’ve come to recognize certain “mind traps” that can snare us, keeping us stuck in cycles of stress, fear, and dissatisfaction. But fear not, my friend, for with awareness and a touch of mindfulness, we can break free from these mental prisons and step into our True Awesome Life.

Trap 1: The Illusion of External Control

One of the most insidious traps is the belief that our happiness hinges on external circumstances. We fall prey to the “if-then” game: “If I just had that promotion, then I’d be happy.” Or, “If only my family accepted me fully, then I’d feel complete.” The truth is, as Alan Watts wisely pointed out, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” Our happiness doesn’t depend on changing the world around us, but on changing our relationship with it.  

Trap 2: The Drama Addiction

In my work with the LGBTQ+ community, I’ve noticed a prevalent “drama addiction.” We become so accustomed to the highs and lows of emotional chaos that we unconsciously seek it out. Whether it’s through reality TV, social media feuds, or our own relationship dramas, we get hooked on the adrenaline rush of conflict and negativity. But as Gary Zuchoff teaches, true fulfillment comes from cultivating inner peace and equanimity, not from external drama.  

Trap 3: The Tradition Trap

The holiday season often amplifies the “tradition trap.” We get caught up in the pressure to conform to societal expectations, even if those traditions no longer serve us. As I’ve explored in my own spiritual journey with Jediism, sometimes it’s necessary to redefine traditions, creating rituals and practices that align with our authentic selves.  

Trap 4: The Comparison Game

Social media has become a breeding ground for the comparison game. We scroll through curated feeds, comparing our lives to the highlight reels of others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and envy. Remember, the true path lies in embracing your unique journey, not in chasing someone else’s ideal.

Trap 5: The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

The fear of missing out can drive us to overcommit, overschedule, overspend, and ultimately, disconnect from the present moment. We chase experiences, seeking external validation rather than inner fulfillment. As the Tantric texts teach, true bliss lies in savoring the present moment, not in chasing fleeting pleasures. This aligns with the fourth teaching of Jediism – Jedi practice non-attachment, maintaining an awareness that the cycles of creativity and renewal in the Force give rise to phenomena as others pass away.

Escaping the Traps

So how do we escape these mind traps? The answer, my friends, lies in cultivating presence. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. We can learn to recognize the traps as they arise and choose a different path.

Here are a few Jedi mind tricks to help you on your journey:

  • Meditation: Cultivate a daily meditation practice to quiet the mind and connect with your inner stillness.

  • Gratitude: Practice gratitude for the present moment, appreciating the abundance in your life.

  • Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when you stumble.

  • Authentic Connection: Seek out genuine connections with others, creating a supportive community that nourishes your soul.

  • Embrace Wonder: Cultivate a sense of wonder and awe for the world around you, reminding yourself of the magic that exists in every moment.

Remember, the path to a True Awesome Life is not about avoiding challenges or escaping reality. It’s about facing life’s ups and downs with presence, resilience, and an open heart.

May you feel the presence of the Force for the Force is always with you.


Jeff describes himself as a Divine Space anchored by his in-breath and solidified by all other sparks of the Divine.

Some of the labels that have been used to describe him are productivity expert, Jedi Cleric, tantric practitioner, systems specialist, clothing designer, author, speaker, cohost of the Spiritual Sex & Candy Show, and The Fabulous One

He guides gay men (and those who love them) in breaking free from their default life, rediscover their inner spark, and becoming the fabulous creators of their True Awesome Life. All while traveling the country in his classic motorhome with his two pups.

He is also in the process of creating the Orange Dragonfly Transformational Center and Temple of Jediism which he says is going to be a cross between an RV park and summer camp where people will come to balance their mind, body, spirit, and business.

JP Adkins

Jeff describes himself as a Divine Space anchored by his in-breath and solidified by all other sparks of the Divine. Some of the labels that have been used to describe him are productivity expert, Jedi Cleric, tantric practitioner, systems specialist, clothing designer, author, speaker, cohost of the Spiritual Sex & Candy Show, and The Fabulous One He guides gay men (and those who love them) in breaking free from their default life, rediscover their inner spark, and becoming the fabulous creators of their True Awesome Life. All while traveling the country in his classic motorhome with his two pups. He is also in the process of creating the Orange Dragonfly Transformational Center and Temple of Jediism which he says is going to be a cross between an RV park and summer camp where people will come to balance their mind, body, spirit, and business.

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