Beyond Us vs. Them: Finding Connection and Workability for All

Beyond Us vs. Them: Finding Connection and Workability for All

February 26, 20254 min read

The default view of the world right now that the media would like you to believe is that it is going to hell in a handbasket and it is us against them. While that may be true, many other things are just as true. What if we shifted our perspective from judging what's “right” or “wrong” to focusing on what works for everyone involved? What if we embraced the radical idea that we are all connected, despite our differences?

I understand the fear you are feeling. It's completely natural to feel apprehensive when faced with uncertainty and change. But remember, you are not alone. I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's work together to navigate through this and create a fulfilling life that aligns with your true desires.

This week, let's explore a new way of seeing the world and our relationships – one that moves beyond the limitations of morality and embraces the power of workability for all.

Think about it: how often do we get caught up in judging others' actions or beliefs? We label things as "good" or "bad," "right" or "wrong," often based on our own limited perspectives and experiences. But what if, instead of judging, we focused on understanding the underlying needs and motivations that drive those actions and beliefs?

This isn't about condoning harmful behavior or abandoning our values. It's about recognizing that everyone is on their own journey, and that judging others doesn't actually help anyone. As the saying goes, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Instead of judging, what if we focused on finding solutions that work for everyone involved? This requires empathy, compassion, and a willingness to see things from different perspectives. It also requires a willingness to let go of our attachment to being "right" and embrace the possibility that there might be other ways of seeing things that are just as valid.

This shift in perspective aligns with the Jedi principle of seeing the Force as an energy that connects all things. Just as the Force flows through all living beings, we too are connected to one another, regardless of our differences.

The Dhammapada, a collection of Buddhist teachings, reminds us that "hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule." When we embrace the interconnectedness of all beings, we realize that judging or harming others ultimately harms ourselves.

Even the Bible, often associated with strict moral codes, contains teachings on compassion and forgiveness. In the words of Jesus, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully1 use you, and persecute you."

This isn't about being a doormat or condoning harmful behavior. It's about recognizing that judging others doesn't actually change anything. It only creates separation and disconnection.

When we embrace the idea that we are all connected, we open ourselves up to the possibility of finding solutions that work for everyone. We also create a more harmonious and compassionate world.

So, this week, let's challenge ourselves to shift our perspective from morality to workability for all. Let's embrace the interconnectedness of all beings and seek solutions that benefit everyone involved.

As we cultivate this new way of seeing the world, we may also find that our own lives become more fulfilling and meaningful. When we focus on connection and workability, we create a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond ourselves.

And remember, as the Law of Focus reminds us, "where attention goes, energy flows." When we focus on judgment and separation, we create more of the same. But when we focus on connection and workability, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.

So, let's choose to focus on what connects us, what works for everyone, and what creates a more harmonious and compassionate world. Let's be the change we wish to see in the world, and watch as our lives and the lives of those around us transform.

Join us for Sanctuary

Be a part of the conversation, find your center, and be heard in our weekly service, Sanctuary.

There will be a short message, a meditation, and a space to release whatever is on your heart in a loving, non-judgemental space.

Get the link in the events section inside the community.


Jeff describes himself as a Divine Space anchored by his in-breath and solidified by all other sparks of the Divine.

Some of the labels that have been used to describe him are productivity expert, Jedi Cleric, tantric practitioner, systems specialist, clothing designer, author, speaker, cohost of the Spiritual Sex & Candy Show, and The Fabulous One

He guides gay men (and those who love them) in breaking free from their default life, rediscover their inner spark, and becoming the fabulous creators of their True Awesome Life. All while traveling the country in his classic motorhome with his two pups.

He is also in the process of creating the Orange Dragonfly Transformational Center and Temple of Jediism which he says is going to be a cross between an RV park and summer camp where people will come to balance their mind, body, spirit, and business.

JP Adkins

Jeff describes himself as a Divine Space anchored by his in-breath and solidified by all other sparks of the Divine. Some of the labels that have been used to describe him are productivity expert, Jedi Cleric, tantric practitioner, systems specialist, clothing designer, author, speaker, cohost of the Spiritual Sex & Candy Show, and The Fabulous One He guides gay men (and those who love them) in breaking free from their default life, rediscover their inner spark, and becoming the fabulous creators of their True Awesome Life. All while traveling the country in his classic motorhome with his two pups. He is also in the process of creating the Orange Dragonfly Transformational Center and Temple of Jediism which he says is going to be a cross between an RV park and summer camp where people will come to balance their mind, body, spirit, and business.

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